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Other coffee & health research

Metabolomic response to coffee consumption: Application to a three-stage clinical trial

M C Cornelis et al, 2018.
Journal of Internal Medicine, published online.
February 1, 2018



Coffee is widely consumed and contains many bioactive compounds, any of which may impact pathways related to disease development.


To identify individual metabolite changes in response to coffee.


We profiled the metabolome of fasting serum samples collected from a previously reported single blinded, 3-stage clinical trial. 47 habitual coffee consumers refrained from drinking coffee for 1 month, consumed 4 cups of coffee/d in the second month and 8 cups/d in the third month. Samples collected after each coffee stage were subject to nontargeted metabolomic profiling using UPLC-ESI-MS/MS. 733 metabolites were included for univariate and multivariate analysis.


A total of 115 metabolites were significantly associated with coffee intake (P<0.05 and Q<0.05). 82 were of known identity and mapped to one of 33 pre-defined biological pathways. We observed a significant enrichment of metabolite members of 5 pathways (P<0.05): (1) xanthine metabolism- includes caffeine metabolites, (2) benzoate metabolism- reflects polyphenol metabolite products of gut-microbiota metabolism, (3) steroid- novel but may reflect phytosterol content of coffee, (4) fatty acid metabolism (acyl choline)- novel link to coffee and (5) endocannabinoid- novel link to coffee.


The novel metabolites and candidate pathways we have identified may provide new insight to the mechanisms by which coffee may be exerting its health effects.

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