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Other coffee & health research

Coffee and its effects on the immune system

B Acikalin and N Sanlier, 2021.
Trends in Food Science & Technology Volume 114.
June 19, 2021


Background: Coffee is one of the beverages consumed the most worldwide since ancient times. Previously, coffee used to be consumed due to its stimulating effect stemming from caffeine and its distinctive taste. In recent years, it has gone beyond being just a hot drink containing stimulating agents and has started to be consumed with the awareness about its positive effects on health. The compounds of coffee bearing antioxidant potential can be listed as caffeine, chlorogenic acids, caffeic acid, coumaric acid, nicotinic acid, ferulic acid, trigonelline, cafestol, and kahweol. Scope and approach: While it is reported that coffee impacts a range of chronic diseases including obesity, cancer, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases due to the caffeine, chlorogenic acids, and diterpenoid alcohol it contains and that further research is needed in this respect, coffee is also related to a reduced risk of autoimmune diseases. This review aims to elaborate on the relationship between coffee consumption and the immune system. Key findings and conclusions: In addition, it has been highlighted in recent years that the above-mentioned compounds of coffee stimulate the immune system thanks to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The positive effects of coffee on the immune system stem from caffeine, chlorogenic acids, kahweol, cafestol and similar compounds it contains. Particularly caffeine and polyphenols are considered as the main agents nourishing coffee with immunomodulatory characteristics depending on the daily dose of consumption.

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